Python Interpreter: 3.9.2
green: Ok! |
red: you have to install it |
orange: install only if required
Libraries required for core wrapper
Library |
Installed Version |
Hint |
BioCASe |
| A new version of BioCASe is available: 3.8.6. Please download and install the latest version. |
Libraries only needed for querytool
Library |
Installed Version |
Hint |
lxml |
Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install lxml. |
Status of additional database dependent drivers
Library |
Installed Version |
Download Library |
pyodbc |
Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pyodbc. |
pymssql |
Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install pymssql. |
psycopg2 |
2.9.1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)
| Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install psycopg2. |
MySQLdb |
Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install mysqlclient. |
fdb |
Use PIP to install from PyPI: pip install fdb. |
SQLite3 |
(integrated into Python) |
cx_Oracle |
not installed
Oracle module, you also need the Oracle Client |
Sybase |
not installed
Sybase module |
If you can't find the Windows installer package for your Python version, try your luck here.
Optional external binaries
Binary |
Status/Version |
Path |
Graphviz Dot |
2.43.0 |
/usr/bin/dot |
Java |
11.0.25 2024-10-15 |
java |
Status of writable directories and files
Directory |
Status |
Path to problematic file |
Configuration |
Writeable |
None |
Log |
Writeable |
None |
Archive temp dir |
Writeable |
None |
Archive download Dir |
Writeable |
None |